Our fall new member’s class will begin October 21, 2013 and continue each Monday night through December 2. Please see below for details of the class schedule or click here to download a copy New Members Class Fall 2013.
New Members Class Fall 2013:
A six-week series of Introduction to the Episcopal Church
October 21 – 6:45 pm
Evening Prayer at 6pm (please attend if possible)
Introduction to The Church of the Ascension, tour of church and buildings.
Review Ch. 1 of Welcome to the Episcopal Church
October 28 – 7pm
Step inside The Book of Common Prayer (meet in Parish Hall)
November 4 – 7pm
The Church’s Teaching (Baptismal Vows, Creed and catechism)
Ch. 3 & 4 of Welcome to the Episcopal Church
November 11 – 7pm
Spirituality and Mission of the Episcopal Church
Ch. 5, 6 & 7 of Welcome to the Episcopal Church
November 18 – 7pm
Instructed Eucharist: Worship together in Chancel/Choir Stalls and final discussion
and final discussion of vows and Bishop visitation.
November 25 – 7pm
Becoming a member of The Church of the Ascension
What does membership mean? How do I participate?
Received as new members into the church, First Advent, Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013
Generally classes will end between 8:15pm and 8:30 pm.
Reference Material – BCP (Book of Common Prayer) and Welcome to the Episcopal Church by Christopher L. Weber. To be provided by Ascension to all newcomers.