Music holds a very special place in the hearts and minds of parishioners at Ascension. Many of us were first attracted to services here by the high quality of the music and the spiritual dimension it adds to the liturgy. A long tradition of musical excellence, both in the services and in our renowned concert series, has built Ascension’s national reputation, attracted new members and frequent visitors, formed a strong internal bond within the parish, and served as an important outreach to the broader community.
Much of the credit for this reputation goes to our choir director and organist for 40 years, Dennis Keene. A highly regarded musician who trained in prestigious schools and with famous mentors, Dr. Keene brings a level of professionalism that builds on our traditions and maintains the highest musical standards.
A choir of approximately 12-20 paid singers and several professionally trained volunteer parishioners perform at the 11 am service every Sunday from September to May, as well as on Christmas Eve and at Holy Week services, with special soloists each Sunday during the summer. Many of the singers whose initial contact with Ascension was as paid choir members eventually joined the parish, attracted by the synthesis of music, liturgy, and spirituality they experience here. In addition to the hymns and responses, the choir generally performs at least two anthems, usually an Offertory and a Communion piece, and, once a month, a choral setting of the Ordinary of the Mass. Feast days feature additional musical pieces. The repertory is broad and varied and includes periods and styles from Gregorian chant to great classic pieces, traditional Anglican standards, spirituals, American works, and new compositions.
The most outstanding recent development in Ascension’s musical life has been the building, installation, and inauguration of the Manton Memorial Organ. Designed specifically for Ascension and built by one of the world’s finest artisans, Pascal Quoirin of St. Didier, France, the new organ made its debut in late 2010 following an extensive renovation of the church interior and a long, careful installation process. With two consoles, one electric-action and one mechanical-action (“tracker”), 95 stops, and 111 ranks, the organ is tailor-made to perform the eclectic repertory favored at Ascension. It is the first French-made organ ever installed in New York City and was made possible by a generous grant from The Manton Foundation honoring the memory of two beloved long-time parishioners and supporters of music at Ascension, Sir Edwin and Lady Manton.
Ascension Music, Inc., is a separately incorporated concert organization that presents performances by the Voices of Ascension, led by Dennis Keene, artistic director. The professional group evolved from a long-standing series of “services of music” at Ascension and was incorporated in 1991 to facilitate attracting financial support from a broader range of the community. Ascension Music also takes advantage of the prestige of our new organ by presenting a series of recitals played by some of the world’s best-known organists. The concerts are often reviewed and attract a sophisticated, devoted audience, providing recognition and renown for the parish well beyond the limits of churchgoers and the religious community.
Trinity Sunday
June 12, 10:55 a.m.Preludial Music
Récits de cromorne et de cornet separé (Suite du Premier Ton)Louis-Nicolas Clérambault (1676-1749)
Offertory Solo
He’s Got the Whole World in His HandsTraditional Spiritual, arranged by Margaret Bonds (1913-1972)
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty(Nicaea)
Thou, whose almighty word
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Holy Father, Great Creator
(Regent Square)
Caprice sur les Grands Jeux (Suite du Deuxième Ton)Louis-Nicolas Clérambault