The next meeting of the Ascension Book Club is Wednesday, February 3, at 7:00 pm the Rectory parlor. Enter through the office/library from the Parish Hall. The February selection is Rascal by Sterling North.
For those of you who want to get a head start on the selection for the March 3 meeting, the book is The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. Along with Ethan Frome, this book is probably Wharton’s most famous novel. “The Age of Innocence” is a brilliant portrayal of New York society in the 1870s—conventional, circumscribed, unimaginative, where money, though not to be despised, counted for less than manners and morals. Its wonderfully drawn characters belong to the first families, a small group tightly knit together by customs as well as blood and marriage, and presided over by those who can make or break a reputation.”–R.W.B. Lewis