Sermon: Burial Service for the Rev. Andrew W. Foster

Painting: The Rev. Andrew W. Foster

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Listen to the sermon preached by the Rev. Jennifer Owen for the burial service of our eleventh rector, the Rev. Andrew W. Foster III (1944-2024), on October 12, 2024.

      Sermon - Burial Service - The Rev. Andrew Foster - October 12, 2024 - The Rev. Jennifer Owen

Father Andrew, who served as rector at Ascension from 1999 to 2012, was rector during a time of great changes in our city and in our parish. During his rectorship, the parish installed a new organ, the Manton Memorial Organ, in memory of Sir Edwin (“Jim”) and Lady (“Gretchen”) Manton, and restored and refurbished the interior of the church so that it might be a safe home for such an instrument. He was also rector on September 11, 2001, welcoming the many people streaming up Fifth Avenue from Lower Manhattan into the church for water, respite and prayer. And he was instrumental in establishing the new columbarium for the church in the front vestibule where, fittingly, his ashes have been laid to rest.

The preacher, the Rev. Jennifer Owen, was a parishioner at Ascension when Father Andrew responded to the call to serve this parish as rector. During his tenure, she and several other clergy participating in this service were sponsored by this parish for ordination to the diaconate or the priesthood.

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Sermons and audio content from the Episcopal Church of the Ascension in the City of New York

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