Update from the Rector Search Committee

Chancel, organ console, altar and mural

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Our information gathering for the Parish Profile is almost completed, including a questionnaire, two round table sessions, and individual interviews. We will be publishing the results of the survey, as well as a detailed summary of the round tables, so please look for those announcements in the next few weeks. We are happy to report that we are right on schedule according to our timetable for the search.

If you have questions, please contact one of the Rector Search Committee members: Meredith Ward, Chair; Eve Beglarian, Barbara Burns, Peter Clark, Janet Fisher, Ned Fitch, Sirkka Kyle, Jennifer Lemaigre, Ethan Mandel, members. Our email address is search@ascensionnyc.org.

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Karon Davis’s sculpture of Judith Jamison dancing Alvin Ailey’s Cry

Parish News: February 16

In this week’s newsletter, our rector reflects on a recent visit to the Whitney Museum’s Edges of Ailey exhibit, a vivid tribute to the life and work of Alvin Ailey. The experience sparked deep gratitude for the beauty of Black culture, as well as concern for the future of Black History Month amid efforts to curtail diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. The rector reminds us that honoring our shared, diverse heritage is both a spiritual and societal imperative — one that calls us to celebrate the richness of all God’s people with courage, inspiration, and joy.

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