Tag: manton memorial organ

electric organ console in chancel, as shown in concert position

Organ Music for March 13

What better way to start Lent than with two of Bach’s greatest large-scale works? At the Prelude (10:50 am) Fantasia & Fugue in C Minor Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) What a special piece this is! I have always loved this Fantasia very much and find it unique among his large organ works. For me, it has a very expressive, almost vocal manner about it.

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One of two angels by Armstrong

Organ Music, March 6

As many of you know, we are hearing the first sounds of the new Manton Memorial Organ. Built by Pascal Quoirin of St. Didier, France, it is the first French-built organ ever installed in New York City, and will no doubt be one of the most significant organs of our time. During the Fall the organ was assembled here, the mechanisms all put together,

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Organ Music for February 27

At the Prelude (10:50 am) ROUEN CATHEDRAL 1623 The organ music today represents what you would have heard in two of the great churches of France during the 17th century. First, the great gothic cathedral of Rouen. Hymne de l’Eglise: Exultet coelum Jehan Titelouze (1563-1633) For centuries, Rouen Cathedral was a center of music in France. It was famous for its boy choir which

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Organ Music for January 9

At the Prelude (10:45am) Foundation Stops All of the foundation tones of the organ are now voiced and playing. Today we will go from just one stop (in the Bach Kyrie) to almost all the foundations (in the Widor.) Kyrie eleison (for manuals, from Clavierübung) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) This short piece is played on the Montre 8’ of the Grand Orgue (bottom keyboard.)

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Organ Music for January 2

As many of you know, we are hearing the first sounds of the new Manton Memorial Organ. Built by Pascal Quoirin of St. Didier, France, it is the first French-built organ ever installed in New York City, and will no doubt be one of the most significant organs of our time. During the Fall the organ was assembled here, the mechanisms all put together,

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Organ Music for February 13

At the Prelude (10:45am) REED STOPS (LES ANCHES) During the past few weeks, Pascal Quoirin and his head voicing assistant, Frédéric Potier, have turned their attention to one of the two main families of pipes: reeds. (The other main family is foundation pipes, which includes principals, flutes and strings.) Reeds stops include trumpets (trompettes, in French), bombardes, clairons, oboes (hautbois), bassoons, cromornes, voix humaine,

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Chancel, organ console, altar and mural

Organ Music for January 30

At the Prelude (10:50am) CELESTES A celeste is a string stop tuned a little bit sharp. When it is combined with another similar string stop that is tuned normally, the two strings together make a beautiful undulating sound, similar to a large string section in a symphony orchestra. Our new organ has two sets of strings, and, oh my, are they beautiful! Adagio (from

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Cross at side altar

Organ Music for January 23

At the Prelude (10:50am) CORNETS A “Cornet” is a special organ sound made when 5 flute stops of different pitches (8’, 4’,      2-2/3’, 2’, 1-3/5’) are combined. The timbre created is rather “reedy” even though only flute pipes are playing. Cornets are an integral part of all organs, particularly in Spain, and even more so in France. Our Holtkamp organ had 2 cornet combinations.

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Chancel, organ console, altar and mural

Organ Music for January 16

At the Prelude (10:45am) The Continuation of the Plein Jeux Right now the organ team is voicing the various Plein Jeux of the organ. A Plein Jeux is also known as Organo Pleno, or Plenum, or Principal Chorus in various languages. It refers to the group of principal stops of different pitches that all go together, right up to the highest pitches of the

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