Category: News

Karon Davis’s sculpture of Judith Jamison dancing Alvin Ailey’s Cry

Parish News: February 16

In this week’s newsletter, our rector reflects on a recent visit to the Whitney Museum’s Edges of Ailey exhibit, a vivid tribute to the life and work of Alvin Ailey. The experience sparked deep gratitude for the beauty of Black culture, as well as concern for the future of Black History Month amid efforts to curtail diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. The rector reminds us that honoring our shared, diverse heritage is both a spiritual and societal imperative — one that calls us to celebrate the richness of all God’s people with courage, inspiration, and joy.

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Parish News: February 9

The rector writes: “I spent part of this morning at a press conference called by the New York Immigration Coalition at our neighbor parish, St. Mark’s in the Bowery. It was specifically to protest the executive order that ends the ‘sensitive site’ designation that protects houses of worship, schools and hospitals from targeting and raids by ICE. I went because I feel strongly that our church and food pantry must be open to all God’s beloved people, regardless of immigration status. Our faith calls us to welcome the stranger, care for those who come to us in need, do justice and love mercy. It does not stop at national borders.” In this week’s newsletter, learn more about what Mother Liz learned and about the fear that’s been tearing through the immigrant community and the teachers, medical professionals and others trying to serve them and their families.

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painting: The Presentation, by Andrea Mantegna, ca. 1454

Parish News: February 2

In this week’s newsletter, Mother Liz shares a poem by Denise Levertov and has a series of questions for each of us to consider as we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, colloquially known as “Candlemas.”

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The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde

Parish News: January 26

This week, the rector reflects on the sermon preached Tuesday by the Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde at Washington National Cathedral — and the reaction to it. In light of many markers and milestones for our parish and the nation, Mother Liz asks: “What and whom do we love? What strengthens our love for God and God’s people? May our life together and our care for each other help us grow deeper into that holy love.” Among those markers: the annual meeting of the parish takes place this Sunday following the 11 am service.

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Parish News: January 19

In this week’s newsletter, Mother Liz reflects back on her ten years so far as rector at the Church of the Ascension. Also this week: parishioners who have pledged to support the church will receive email invitations to vote online in this year’s vestry and warden elections in anticipation of our 2025 annual meeting, which is always held the last Sunday of January: in other words, next week!

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Ravi Ragbir

Parish News: January 12

This week, Mother Liz lets us know about the risk of deportation for a friend of the parish, Ravi Ragbir, founder and director of the New Sanctuary Coalition, and what those of us who are moved to help can do.

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Parish News: January 5

This year, we’ll celebrate the second Sunday after Christmas as the Eve of the Epiphany (“We three kings of Orient are…”). In that context, Mother Liz says: “We have much work to do as we bear the light of Christ in the suffering, questioning, challenging places of our world. May we do it gladly and grateful for each other’s company — never forgetting to make music in our hearts.”

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Parish News: December 22

On this, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, the rector asks: “How do you name the God whose coming we await?”

O come, Wisdom from on high, ordering all things, teaching us the right path.

O come, Adonai, Majestic One revealed in burning bush and Sinai’s law. Blaze up in us with all your saving power.

O come, root of Jesse, source of all things, stand as a sign among the nations, come and deliver us.

O come, key of David, you open and none can shut; come and free the prisoners who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.

O come, Dayspring, break upon us and chase away the clouds of gloom, call us to awaken.

O come, desire of nations, heal our divisions and bind our hearts in one.

O come, o come, Emmanuel!

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painting: Our Lady of Guadalupe

Parish News: December 15

This week, the rector writes about Our Lady of Guadalupe, beloved across Latin America and increasingly celebrated in the Episcopal Church, and the story of the appearance of the Virgin to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, an indigenous man in what is today Mexico City. And at the Sunday Forum following the 11 am service, we will consider Mary’s joyful and subversive song, “My Soul Magnifies the Lord,” through scripture study, music and art. Join us!

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Parish News: December 8

In this week’s newsletter, the rector asks: “How will you make the way ready for Christ who comes in mystery, in humility, in neighbors and strangers? What preparations are needed in our hearts, our closest relationships, our parish community to welcome the Beloved with joy?” One way we will do that is this Sunday, when we will have a “welcome brunch” party following the 11 am service for all parishioners and visitors, with the special intention of getting to know the most recent arrivals to our parish community! Join us!

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