Join us to see “Just Mercy”

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Come join your fellow parishioners to see “Just Mercy” at the AMC theatre at 234 W. 42nd St. on Thursday evening, January 16, 2020. The film begins at 7:15, and afterwards we will visit a nearby diner for coffee and conversation about our experience. Based on the book of the same name, Just Mercy tells the powerful true story of Bryan Stevenson, founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative, a civil rights organization in Montgomery, Alabama. Stevenson has represented capital defendants and death row prisoners in the deep South since 1985. He also led the creation of two highly acclaimed cultural sites which opened in 2018: the Legacy Museum and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, which chronicle the legacy of slavery, lynching, and racial segregation, and the connection to mass incarceration and contemporary issues of racial bias. The film stars Jamie Foxx, Michael B. Jordan, and Brie Larson. Please join us for a thought-provoking beginning of the weekend honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. Please let Mother Liz know if you plan to participate.

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Parish News: February 16

In this week’s newsletter, our rector reflects on a recent visit to the Whitney Museum’s Edges of Ailey exhibit, a vivid tribute to the life and work of Alvin Ailey. The experience sparked deep gratitude for the beauty of Black culture, as well as concern for the future of Black History Month amid efforts to curtail diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. The rector reminds us that honoring our shared, diverse heritage is both a spiritual and societal imperative — one that calls us to celebrate the richness of all God’s people with courage, inspiration, and joy.

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