Episcopal Relief & Development partners with dioceses as they respond to hurricanes and other tragic storms and we would like to invite you to join this vital partnership. Your contribution to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Hurricane Relief Fund will support communities as they respond to storms like Hurricane Dorian. Your donation will meet urgent needs by providing critical supplies such as food, water and other basics and will help provide long-term assistance as needed.
Currently, members of Episcopal Relief & Development’s US Disaster Program are working closely with dioceses in the path of Hurricane Dorian. In addition, the organization is working through the Anglican Alliance to support the Anglican Diocese of the Bahamas & the Turks and Caicos as they begin assessing the damage. The organization’s Partners in Response and Resilience stand ready to respond in the coming weeks as the full extent of the slow-moving storm becomes clear.
To make a donation, please contribute online to our Hurricane Relief Fund at support.episcopalrelief.org/hurricanerelief.
Thank you for your compassion and prayers. With your partnership, we are working together for lasting change.