ominic said, “Go and preach”; Benedict said, “Go and pray”; but Francis said, “Go.” Teresa of Avila said, “Christ has no body but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours.”
The whole point of our being baptized, for going to church, for being Christian, is to go and do. We often get bogged down in the choices, frozen by our indecision. What does God want me to be involved with? Should I teach Sunday school or help at a food pantry? Work with the college youth or a food kitchen? Quite frankly, God really doesn’t care.
If you want to know what God is calling you to do, just walk out your front door and open your eyes. What do you see? Or more importantly, whom do you see? We made a vow to “seek and serve Christ in all persons.” We can start with the first person we see on the street. Who needs to be fed, clothed, quenched, visited? There is our ministry — we have but to open our eyes and see. So just go.