From September 1 (the World Day of Prayer for Creation) until October 4 (St. Francis’ Day), we join with Anglicans and ecumenical colleagues around the globe to celebrate the season of creation. In this period, we contemplate and give thanks for the good earth that God has made with all its wondrous diversity. We consider our own responsibility to be stewards of creation, repenting of our greed, misuse and neglect of the land, the water and other creatures; we commit ourselves anew to live sustainably with all. We tend our own patch of ground and bless our animal companions, grateful for community of life in which we live and move and have our being. This year Ascension will mark the season of creation in several different ways:
- In our Music and Liturgy — On September 2, Sarah Chalfy sang a beautiful aria about plant life from Haydn’s The Creation. This Sunday tenor Chad Kranak continues with an aria – also from Haydn’s Creation – about the creation of human beings, male and female. Throughout these weeks we will be treated to Sunday after Sunday of special music dedicated to the glories of the earth and, on October 4, St. Francis Day, the animal kingdom. Our wonderful soloists will be singing famous arias through Sept. 23. And on Sept. 30 our full choir returns with rousing choruses in the Creation theme.
- Spiritual Practice — This season is a great time to incorporate changes in our consumption habits and to focus on sustainability. Click here for a PDF of some Creationtide actions and reflections from the Church of England Environmental Program, which has some great ideas you can implement.
- Bluestone Farm Third Saturday Farm Volunteer Day — Saturday, September 15. Come on over and get down and dirty with work on the farm! Once again we’re getting a group together to go volunteer at the Community of the Holy Spirit’s Bluestone Farm. Time is short, so if you’re interested, please speak to Sara Jones ( For more information about Bluestone Farm, go to
- Tending our Own Garden — Sunday, September 16. Join us in the front garden after the 11 am service to plant spring bulbs, mulch and generally care for our own (beautiful) bit of earth. Some gloves, hand shovels and compost will be provided, but feel free to bring gloves if you have them.
- Forum: Greening our Church — Sunday, September 23. Join us to talk about how each and all of us can contribute to reducing our carbon footprints, both as individuals and as a community of faith. Energy? Food? Water? Buildings? It’s downright sacramental!
- Blessing of the Animals — Sunday, October 7, in honor of St. Francis. Following the 11 am service we will gather in the church yard to bless the animal companions who bring such joy to many of our lives. Well behaved animals who will be comfortable in the service are welcome to attend on that day, and those who live nearby will have time to go home and fetch their animals afterwards. This event is beloved in the neighborhood, so please invite your friends and neighbors. All animals and their people are welcome!