Fall Forums at Ascension

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There are five new forums planned this fall. On October 8, parishioner Chrys Fairchild will present Walking the Camino de Santiago. The following Sunday, October 15, we will have a special guest and discussion about current immigration issues in the U.S. Marco Saavedra is a 27 year old undocumented writer, painter and activist. Here is a link to the full schedule of the Ascension-Fall-Events-Calendar-2017.

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Parish News: October 13

This week, the rector writes about the upcoming election, the sharp divisions in our country, and the attendant anxiety many are feeling — and what, together, we might do to help mitigate that anxiety leading up to Election Day, including many of the activities and get-togethers described in this week’s newsletter. (And the church will be open for prayer and quiet reflection from 9 am – 6 pm on Election Day.)

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