After All Not to Create Only

Crown of Thorns
In today's gospel passage we find Jesus under attack by the authorities for "blasphemy," for claiming to be God, "though only a human being." Jesus has called attention to his "many good works from the Father," and tells his accusers that even if his claim to be "God's son" is not accepted, his works demonstrate ...

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Crown of Thorns

Ah little recks the laborer,
How near his work is holding him to God,
The loving Laborer through space and time.
Walt Whitman


In today’s gospel passage we find Jesus under attack by the Jewish authorities for “blasphemy,” for claiming to be God, “though only a human being.” Jesus has called attention to his “many good works from the Father,” and tells his accusers that even if his claim to be “God’s son” is not accepted, his works demonstrate the reality of God’s presence in him, that “the Father is in me and I am in the Father.” Evidently giving more weight to works than to words, when they appear to be in conflict, giving more weight to what we do than to what we say, is a better way to understand who we really are.

Let’s take this as a suggestion in this Lenten season to give some extra attention to our own “works,” knowing that, though we are only human beings, God is in us, too, and that in what we do every day God’s presence can be revealed.

Friday, March 18, 2016
Jeremiah 20:7-13
Psalm 18:1-7
John 10:31-42

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Parish News: February 16

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