This week and upcoming events at Ascension

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End Racism SundayThis Sunday, September 13th, we will observe a Call to Contribute to the Rebuilding of Burned African-American Churches and take a special collection to help rebuild those churches “charred by hate.” Since the murders at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. church in South Carolina shocked the nation, at least 7 other African American Churches have burned, some definitively and others suspected to be the result of arson. Bishop Dietsche has asked all of us in the Diocese of New York to join in helping these, our sisters and brothers in Christ.

The Presiding Bishop has requested that we join our sisters and brothers in the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church and continue to make our solidarity visible by participating in “Confession, Repentance, and Commitment to End Racism.” You can read the press release on Liberty-and-Justice-for-All-Sunday-Worship with this link.

Saturday, September 12 is a Food Pantry distribution morning. Volunteers gather at 8am.

Stephen Hagerty is being ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, September 19th, 10:30am at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Ascension is his sponsoring parish, and we hope that many of us will be at the Cathedral to celebrate and pray with Stephen on this momentous and joyous occasion.

We will celebration “Welcome Back Sunday” on September 20th with a special coffee hour after the 11am service. Thursday night Bible Study resumes on September 24th at 7:00pm with a journey through the Psalms.

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Karon Davis’s sculpture of Judith Jamison dancing Alvin Ailey’s Cry

Parish News: February 16

In this week’s newsletter, our rector reflects on a recent visit to the Whitney Museum’s Edges of Ailey exhibit, a vivid tribute to the life and work of Alvin Ailey. The experience sparked deep gratitude for the beauty of Black culture, as well as concern for the future of Black History Month amid efforts to curtail diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. The rector reminds us that honoring our shared, diverse heritage is both a spiritual and societal imperative — one that calls us to celebrate the richness of all God’s people with courage, inspiration, and joy.

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