Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost

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Join us for a service this Sunday at 9 am or ll am (with choir, service music for this Sunday on the sidebar). Each Sunday evening at 7 pm there is a Service of Meditations and Sacrament in the Sanctuary. This special service of chant, interfaith readings and communion will be an interesting addition to our spiritual formation and for those who are looking for a time of respite to bring closure and new birth to their week.

Bible Study continues every Monday night from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Providing food for thought all week, this lay-led group reads and discusses the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday.

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Parish News: October 13

This week, the rector writes about the upcoming election, the sharp divisions in our country, and the attendant anxiety many are feeling — and what, together, we might do to help mitigate that anxiety leading up to Election Day, including many of the activities and get-togethers described in this week’s newsletter. (And the church will be open for prayer and quiet reflection from 9 am – 6 pm on Election Day.)

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