Associate Rector’s Easter Letter

The Rev. Shelley McDade, Associate Rector

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The Rev. Shelley McDade, Associate RectorDear Family and Friends of Ascension,

As I write this Easter letter to you our faith is actually transitioning into the fourth week of Lent. A little past the mid-way point of our journeys of reflection, self-discovery and hope toward a renewed and closer relationship with God. Generally, it is a time for solemn thought.

But I find myself elated. Joyful. Filled with anticipation for what lies ahead. Is it possible, or even appropriate, to meditate through the Lenten season with a heart of Advent? I think so. Joy is as effective a mediator through life as solitude, discipline and prayer. For what else should we feel as we find ourselves journeying closer to God and recognize the love He has for us through His son Jesus Christ?

“For if you keep silence at such a time as this, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another quarter, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

As a parish our communal journey through Lent has been one of discussion, discovery and anticipation. We are gathering in each other’s homes for shared meals and fellowship; we are spending a Quiet Day together, opening ourselves up to God through the use of the ancient tools of spirituality; and, we are coming together in group dialog as we talk honestly about our parish future and how we are to serve God most genuinely through our service and relationship with clergy leadership. We have been called to the kingdom for such a time as this! Our relief and deliverance from our Lenten journey through the passion of the cross rests in this kingdom. Enter in joy. Anticipate resurrection. Be elated in Christ’s love for you.

The staff and Vestry of Ascension thank you for the passion you encourage in us. Please join us this Easter season as we celebrate God’s kingdom in this world through the life and love of Jesus Christ.

In Blessing,

The Reverend Shelley D. McDade

Here is a link to the schedule of services for Holy Week and Easter 2013

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