Now that we have celebrated the splendors of Holy Week and Easter and dedicated the Manton Memorial Organ with pomp and ceremony, we have been thinking ahead about plans for worship this summer at Ascension. After a year of conducting Sunday services in the Parish Hall during the period of construction in the sanctuary, many of us came to enjoy the intimacy and, in the hot weather, the air conditioning in that space. As another summer season approaches some are wondering if a return is being contemplated.
There are other factors than the weather to bear in mind. As part of cost-containment efforts during these difficult financial times, a decision was made to reduce the budget by relying on soloists for our Sunday services during the months of June, July and August. This could provide more opportunities to use the new organ to greater effect, as well. Planned Inaugural Organ Events will extend through June, culminating in a week-long Organ Academy, which will feature master classes for a small group of professional musicians.
So, the plan for worship services during the summer ahead is this: After Memorial Day, starting on May 30th, the weekday 6:00 pm Eucharists will move back into the All Saints Chapel for the summer months. Sunday Services will be conducted in the Church through the month of July. Then, during August, should the temperatures soar beyond the comfort range, a decision to move back into the Parish Hall can be easily made. After the Labor Day Weekend, the choir returns and we will gather for worship back in the church.